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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Collapse or Explosion? A Discussion of the WTC “Sounds of Explosions” Issue


When the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center complex collapsed on September 11, 2001, they exhibited numerous features that several researchers have identified as being consistent with controlled demolition with explosives. However, others have argued that the Towers could not have been destroyed via explosives, noting that the collapse events lacked a critical feature of explosive demolition: sounds of explosions. The absence of these sounds, it’s argued, means explosives could not have played a role in the destruction of the buildings. In this paper, we examine this argument at length and show it to be groundless. We demonstrate that not only can explosive sounds be heard, but that even if this argument were correct, the entire premise of dismissing the demolition hypothesis based on this argument is fallacious to begin with. We also demonstrate that the official investigation into the destruction of these buildings failed to adequately consider this evidence as well, and therefore renders the conclusions of said investigation unfounded. The theory of controlled demolition with explosives has abundant evidence to support it, and this body of evidence does indeed include the sounds produced during the collapses.

[Read the full paper here.]


  1. I've linked to your paper, Adam:

    I hope to read it soon. Given its length, I'm curious whether you've considered submitting it to peer review.

  2. Also, I think it might be significant that the explosions we hear from recordings of controlled demolitions take place in structures that have had all windows, insulation and wallboard removed, which would have muffled or dampened the sounds of the explosions. Such was not the case in the WTCs. It could lead to another interesting experiment: the sound of a high explosive charge in a building with windows, wallboard and insulation, compared to a charge without such.

    1. You might have something there. For example, the Aladdin Hotel looks like it still had its windows installed, and the explosive sounds do seem to be quieter.

  3. Yes, it certainly sounds quieter, though I can't tell if it still has windows or not. But most of the CDs seem to take place in ready made echo chambers: Nothing to absorb the sound, but plenty of ways to make the sound reverberate. I would think some fairly simple, relatively inexpensive experiments could be performed to test the hypothesis.

  4. In a slightly related topic, I bought and watched the video, 9/11 in the Academic Community. There is a very informative interview of Robert Korol, engineering professor at McMaster University. If I knew how to make a youtube video of that interview, I would. But I don't know how, nor do I know if it is even allowed to do so. Perhaps you or others would know more about this.
