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Friday, April 3, 2015

An Afternoon With Richard Carrier

On December 6th of last year, I had the amazing honor of meeting Dr. Richard Carrier at the Humanist Community of Central Ohio 2014 Winter Solstice Banquet. Dr. Carrier gave a fantastic talk on feminism and its importance in the atheist movement. The transcript of his talk is now available online. Afterwards, Dr. Carrier was kind enough to sign two of his books I brought with me. His talks are great to watch online, but seeing them in person is an enlightening experience. 

Meeting Dr. Carrier for the first time.

Dr. Carrier was kind enough to sign two
of his books I brought with me.



  1. Adam,

    Did you happen to ask Carrier his opinion of 9/11 Truth?

    1. No, and I wouldn't have because I'm sure already what his opinion is. I can guess how he feels about it, and given that he's described Zeitgeist as "absolute garbage," I think that says enough.

      Truth be told, I didn't get to talk with him much. It was pretty much a quick hello, book signing, and a handshake. There were other people waiting to talk to him and buy his books he was selling, so I figured I wouldn't get to say much to him. Still though, meeting him at all was awesome.

  2. Not to offend you, but I once wrote a blog post putting Mythicists and deniers of 9/11 Truth in the same boat, here.
